Sunday, 27 March 2011

In My Mailbox

a meme hosted by The Story Siren
What literally came in the mail (thanks, Scholastic!):

Rose Sees Red by Cecil Castellucci: I recall reading Boy Proof by this author a long while ago (and seeing it in hardcover for $2 [!] at the dollar store, poor thing), so I definitely want to see how this one turns out. Also, I seem to have missed the memo saying this is set in the 1980s. 0.O

Words That Start With B by Vikki VanSickle: I've been running dangerously low on contemporary middle-grade; I'm hoping this one'll remind me why middle-grade is all at once quirky, fun, cute and my favourite age category.

From the library:

Goddess Boot Camp by Tera Lynn Childs: It's too bad that I read the Percy Jackson series first -- there's no way YA fantasy can hold a candle to MG fantasy. I don't expect much of Goddess Boot Camp; this is for light reading.

The Swan Kingdom by Zoë Marriott: I've heard this described as one of those underrated gems, plus it's a retelling of an old fairytale involving swans. Even though I'm getting a negative vibe from Publishers Weekly, Booklist, etc., I'm sold.

What's in your mailbox?