Traded & bought:
Traded with Chloe @ YA Booklover:
- The Maze Runner by James Dashner: I read this one a while ago before it was big and remember vaguely liking it, so I jumped at the chance to trade for it.
Bought -- Chapters/Indigo had a sale a while back and I snagged four books that I'd read and loved and had to have on my shelves:
- This is Not My Hat by Jon Klassen: I adored and also bought his I Want My Hat Back, so of course this one had to be added to my shelves. It's just as hilarious. <3
- Tuesdays at the Castle by Jessica Day George: A whimsical middle-grade fantasy with politics, humour and magic.
- Trash by Andy Mulligan: This YA is so full of truths about the dividing line between the poor and the rich and the corruption that bleeds through us all; it's brief and beautiful.
- Icefall by Matthew J. Kirby: Politics, betrayal, awesome Norse culture and berserkers (HAKE I LOFF YOU). Books like these are why middle-grade is my favourite age category. :3
Happy last week of November! <3