The Summer Prince by Alaya Dawn Johnson: A killer cover to go with a wicked concept! I absolutely adore that lush-but-cool green and yellow colour scheme and the radiant bubble-like background our person-of-colour is pictured against. Also, those tattoos are intriguing.
The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater: I appreciate how they kept the original fonts and red-brown colour scheme, but gave it a revamped look that veers more toward the fantasy. I expect they'll attract a younger age bracket with that precise, every-line-accounted-for illustration style.

Orleans by Sherri L. Smith: That title font may not be the best, but I love the picturesque landscape unfolding, going from dark to light. It reminds me of Paolo Bacigalupi's The Drowned Cities, in that sort of epic quest through a drowned city sense.
Catherine by April Lindner: First of all, the skinny sans serif font is perfect. It totally matches the kick-butt vibe the girl gives off in her rocker-chick apparel. The city behind her is awesome, too; skyscrapers, yet they look like old-time architecture.

Dark Eyes and Tiger by William Richter: The skyward perspective is metaphorically significant (sky-high stakes!) as are the glossy faces of the buildings (masks, reflections, facades!), and with that double-lined font, these covers look slick.