Saturday 18 June 2011

has it really been three months?

You know what people say: time flies. And it certainly has for PtC.

A few milestones:
  1. Hosted a real live contest
  2. Sent a RAK to Cheyenne @ The Hollow Cupboards
  3. Gained 100+ followers (!!) <3 <3 <3
  4. Gone off on two spiels re: book blogging, noob that I am
  5. Grown a honking pile of old ARCs and review copies
  6. And most importantly, shared my love (or unlove) of 25 young adult & middle-grade novels and picture books.
In the future:
  1. More picture book reviews — they’re seriously underrated
  2. Participation in blogfests, because they’re cool
  3. Possibly a header makeover! What do you guys think?

Lastly, I want to thank you. Thank you to everyone who reads this and everyone who doesn’t. Thank you to anyone who’s been involved with Pass the Chiclets, whether from the start or just recently. You guys are truly something to be thankful for.

♥ ♥ ♥,
